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Question Number 191007 by sciencestudentW last updated on 16/Apr/23

which quantities is the preassure?  scalar  or vector?

$${which}\:{quantities}\:{is}\:{the}\:{preassure}? \\ $$$${scalar}\:\:{or}\:{vector}? \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Apr/23

someone who repeatly wants other   people to give him fish but refuses  to learn the technique to fish by   himself doesn′t deserve any fish   from other people.  ⇒Q190849!

$${someone}\:{who}\:{repeatly}\:{wants}\:{other}\: \\ $$$${people}\:{to}\:{give}\:{him}\:{fish}\:{but}\:{refuses} \\ $$$${to}\:{learn}\:{the}\:{technique}\:{to}\:{fish}\:{by}\: \\ $$$${himself}\:{doesn}'{t}\:{deserve}\:{any}\:{fish}\: \\ $$$${from}\:{other}\:{people}. \\ $$$$\Rightarrow{Q}\mathrm{190849}! \\ $$

Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 16/Apr/23

Pressure is a scalar quantity.  The force′s direction comes from the direction  of the surface′s surface, as the force   excerted by the pressure is always normal  to the surface.

$${Pressure}\:{is}\:{a}\:{scalar}\:{quantity}. \\ $$$${The}\:{force}'{s}\:{direction}\:{comes}\:{from}\:{the}\:{direction} \\ $$$${of}\:{the}\:{surface}'{s}\:{surface},\:{as}\:{the}\:{force}\: \\ $$$${excerted}\:{by}\:{the}\:{pressure}\:{is}\:{always}\:{normal} \\ $$$${to}\:{the}\:{surface}. \\ $$

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