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Question Number 188972 by a.lgnaoui last updated on 09/Mar/23

what is the answer  A  ? B   ? C?.

$${what}\:{is}\:{the}\:{answer} \\ $$$${A}\:\:?\:{B}\:\:\:?\:{C}?. \\ $$

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 09/Mar/23

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 10/Mar/23

B: considere  comme fixe(stoping)   (A,C   driving)  thanks

$${B}:\:{considere}\:\:{comme}\:{fixe}\left({stoping}\right) \\ $$$$\:\left({A},{C}\:\:\:{driving}\right) \\ $$$${thanks}\: \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 10/Mar/23

all trucks could be driving.  A: while braking  B: while driving at constant speed        (or at rest)  C: while speeding up

$${all}\:{trucks}\:{could}\:{be}\:{driving}. \\ $$$${A}:\:{while}\:{braking} \\ $$$${B}:\:{while}\:{driving}\:{at}\:{constant}\:{speed} \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\left({or}\:{at}\:{rest}\right) \\ $$$${C}:\:{while}\:{speeding}\:{up} \\ $$

Commented by nikif99 last updated on 10/Mar/23

B could also be driving at constant   speed (acceleration=0).

$${B}\:{could}\:{also}\:{be}\:{driving}\:{at}\:{constant}\: \\ $$$${speed}\:\left({acceleration}=\mathrm{0}\right). \\ $$

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