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Question Number 193052 by a.lgnaoui last updated on 02/Jun/23

determiner la valeur de  r

$$\boldsymbol{\mathrm{determiner}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{la}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{valeur}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{de}}\:\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{r}} \\ $$

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 02/Jun/23

Answered by deleteduser1 last updated on 02/Jun/23


$${r}\left(\frac{\mathrm{5}+\mathrm{4}+\mathrm{3}}{\mathrm{2}}\right)=\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{2}}\left(\mathrm{4}×\mathrm{3}\right)\Rightarrow{r}=\mathrm{1} \\ $$

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 02/Jun/23

detail calcul?

$$\mathrm{detail}\:\mathrm{calcul}? \\ $$

Commented by deleteduser1 last updated on 02/Jun/23

Area of Δ=rs=(1/2)bh       (s=((perimeter)/2))

$${Area}\:{of}\:\Delta={rs}=\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{2}}{bh}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\left({s}=\frac{{perimeter}}{\mathrm{2}}\right) \\ $$

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 03/Jun/23


$$\mathrm{thanks} \\ $$

Answered by Subhi last updated on 02/Jun/23

x+y = 4  y+z = 3  x+z = 5  4−x+z = 3   ⇛  z=x−1  2x−1=5   ⇛ x=3  y=1  z=2  radius = y = 1

$${x}+{y}\:=\:\mathrm{4} \\ $$$${y}+{z}\:=\:\mathrm{3} \\ $$$${x}+{z}\:=\:\mathrm{5} \\ $$$$\mathrm{4}−{x}+{z}\:=\:\mathrm{3}\:\:\:\Rrightarrow\:\:{z}={x}−\mathrm{1} \\ $$$$\mathrm{2}{x}−\mathrm{1}=\mathrm{5}\:\:\:\Rrightarrow\:{x}=\mathrm{3} \\ $$$${y}=\mathrm{1} \\ $$$${z}=\mathrm{2} \\ $$$${radius}\:=\:{y}\:=\:\mathrm{1} \\ $$

Commented by Subhi last updated on 02/Jun/23

Commented by a.lgnaoui last updated on 02/Jun/23

exact,thank you

$$\mathrm{exact},\mathrm{thank}\:\mathrm{you} \\ $$

Commented by Subhi last updated on 02/Jun/23

You are welcome

$${You}\:{are}\:{welcome} \\ $$

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