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Question Number 214514 by malwan last updated on 11/Dec/24

$$ \\ $$

Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 11/Dec/24

Notice board miss...!

$$\mathrm{Notice}\:\mathrm{board}\:\mathrm{miss}...! \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/24

malwan sir: have you tried with a  different format for your image?  for example as ∗.gif or ∗.png file.

$${malwan}\:{sir}:\:{have}\:{you}\:{tried}\:{with}\:{a} \\ $$$${different}\:{format}\:{for}\:{your}\:{image}? \\ $$$${for}\:{example}\:{as}\:\ast.{gif}\:{or}\:\ast.{png}\:{file}. \\ $$

Commented by malwan last updated on 11/Dec/24

$$ \\ $$

Commented by malwan last updated on 11/Dec/24

I try to send a photo  but I dont know what is the problem

$${I}\:{try}\:{to}\:{send}\:{a}\:{photo} \\ $$$${but}\:{I}\:{dont}\:{know}\:{what}\:{is}\:{the}\:{problem} \\ $$

Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 11/Dec/24

Do you get any error

$$\mathrm{Do}\:\mathrm{you}\:\mathrm{get}\:\mathrm{any}\:\mathrm{error} \\ $$

Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 12/Dec/24


$${q}#\mathrm{214516}\left(?\right) \\ $$

Commented by malwan last updated on 13/Dec/24

it was png photo

$${it}\:{was}\:{png}\:{photo} \\ $$

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