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Question Number 208759 by Tawa11 last updated on 22/Jun/24

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 22/Jun/24

Will this question have workings?  Based on the condition in the question.    Or answer is  E

$$\mathrm{Will}\:\mathrm{this}\:\mathrm{question}\:\mathrm{have}\:\mathrm{workings}? \\ $$$$\mathrm{Based}\:\mathrm{on}\:\mathrm{the}\:\mathrm{condition}\:\mathrm{in}\:\mathrm{the}\:\mathrm{question}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$\mathrm{Or}\:\mathrm{answer}\:\mathrm{is}\:\:\mathrm{E} \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jun/24


$$\left.{E}\right) \\ $$

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 22/Jun/24

Sir, will this question have a certain workings?.  Or just a reason why it is E

$$\mathrm{Sir},\:\mathrm{will}\:\mathrm{this}\:\mathrm{question}\:\mathrm{have}\:\mathrm{a}\:\mathrm{certain}\:\mathrm{workings}?. \\ $$$$\mathrm{Or}\:\mathrm{just}\:\mathrm{a}\:\mathrm{reason}\:\mathrm{why}\:\mathrm{it}\:\mathrm{is}\:\mathrm{E} \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jun/24

the elastic limit is 2N. when the  force is larger than 2N, the cord   obtains plastic deformation and its  length can not be determined.

$${the}\:{elastic}\:{limit}\:{is}\:\mathrm{2}{N}.\:{when}\:{the} \\ $$$${force}\:{is}\:{larger}\:{than}\:\mathrm{2}{N},\:{the}\:{cord}\: \\ $$$${obtains}\:{plastic}\:{deformation}\:{and}\:{its} \\ $$$${length}\:{can}\:{not}\:{be}\:{determined}. \\ $$

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 22/Jun/24

Thanks sir.  I really appreciate sir.

$$\mathrm{Thanks}\:\mathrm{sir}. \\ $$$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{really}\:\mathrm{appreciate}\:\mathrm{sir}. \\ $$

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