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Question Number 187513 by mr W last updated on 18/Feb/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Feb/23

the frictionless bowl has the shape   of a hemisphere with radius R.   a small ball at the rim of the bowl is   given a horizontal velocity u in   tangential direction.  can the ball reach the bottom of the  bowl?  find the time which the ball takes  to reach half of the depth of the bowl,  if possible.

$${the}\:{frictionless}\:{bowl}\:{has}\:{the}\:{shape}\: \\ $$$${of}\:{a}\:{hemisphere}\:{with}\:{radius}\:{R}.\: \\ $$$${a}\:{small}\:{ball}\:{at}\:{the}\:{rim}\:{of}\:{the}\:{bowl}\:{is}\: \\ $$$${given}\:{a}\:{horizontal}\:{velocity}\:{u}\:{in}\: \\ $$$${tangential}\:{direction}. \\ $$$${can}\:{the}\:{ball}\:{reach}\:{the}\:{bottom}\:{of}\:{the} \\ $$$${bowl}? \\ $$$${find}\:{the}\:{time}\:{which}\:{the}\:{ball}\:{takes} \\ $$$${to}\:{reach}\:{half}\:{of}\:{the}\:{depth}\:{of}\:{the}\:{bowl}, \\ $$$${if}\:{possible}. \\ $$

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