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Question Number 132086 by SLVR last updated on 11/Feb/21

$$ \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Feb/21

it′s getting boring!  please stop posting empty posts sir!  try to study how to use the forum by  clicking on the Forum Help button  on the top of the page!

$${it}'{s}\:{getting}\:{boring}! \\ $$$${please}\:{stop}\:{posting}\:{empty}\:{posts}\:{sir}! \\ $$$${try}\:{to}\:{study}\:{how}\:{to}\:{use}\:{the}\:{forum}\:{by} \\ $$$${clicking}\:{on}\:{the}\:\underline{\boldsymbol{\mathrm{Forum}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{Help}}}\:{button} \\ $$$${on}\:{the}\:{top}\:{of}\:{the}\:{page}! \\ $$

Commented by SLVR last updated on 12/Feb/21

Yes...sir..I too agree ..where i posted while uploading as loading image...  but  i couldnot succeed.   Thanking you mr.W..i won′t repeat

$${Yes}...{sir}..{I}\:{too}\:{agree}\:..{where}\:{i}\:{posted}\:{while}\:{uploading}\:{as}\:{loading}\:{image}... \\ $$$${but}\:\:{i}\:{couldnot}\:{succeed}.\: \\ $$$${Thanking}\:{you}\:{mr}.{W}..{i}\:{won}'{t}\:{repeat} \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

you must solve the problem with   uploading images. i see some old  posts from you with uploaded images,  that means it has worked.

$${you}\:{must}\:{solve}\:{the}\:{problem}\:{with}\: \\ $$$${uploading}\:{images}.\:{i}\:{see}\:{some}\:{old} \\ $$$${posts}\:{from}\:{you}\:{with}\:{uploaded}\:{images}, \\ $$$${that}\:{means}\:{it}\:{has}\:{worked}. \\ $$

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