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MechanicsQuestion and Answers: Page 1

Question Number 209853    Answers: 2   Comments: 1

Question Number 209846    Answers: 2   Comments: 0

Question Number 209845    Answers: 0   Comments: 0

Question Number 209840    Answers: 1   Comments: 0

Question Number 209599    Answers: 4   Comments: 0

Question Number 209597    Answers: 2   Comments: 1

Question Number 209529    Answers: 1   Comments: 1

Question Number 209359    Answers: 3   Comments: 2

Question Number 209358    Answers: 1   Comments: 3

Question Number 209352    Answers: 2   Comments: 0

Question Number 209161    Answers: 3   Comments: 2

Question Number 209125    Answers: 3   Comments: 0

Question Number 209124    Answers: 3   Comments: 0

Question Number 209122    Answers: 1   Comments: 0

Question Number 209121    Answers: 1   Comments: 0

Question Number 209099    Answers: 3   Comments: 0

Question Number 209098    Answers: 2   Comments: 0

Question Number 209024    Answers: 3   Comments: 1

Question Number 208999    Answers: 3   Comments: 0

Question Number 208092    Answers: 0   Comments: 0

Question Number 206394    Answers: 0   Comments: 1

Question Number 206273    Answers: 1   Comments: 0

Does anyone know how this works ? I have dψ = (x^2 -cy^2 )dy And my physics teacher says it is (or can be) a harmonic function (Δψ = 0) Can anyone explain ?

$$\mathrm{Does}\:\mathrm{anyone}\:\mathrm{know}\:\mathrm{how}\:\mathrm{this}\:\mathrm{works}\:? \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{have}\:{d}\psi\:=\:\left({x}^{\mathrm{2}} -{cy}^{\mathrm{2}} \right){dy} \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$\mathrm{And}\:\mathrm{my}\:\mathrm{physics}\:\mathrm{teacher}\:\mathrm{says}\:\mathrm{it}\:\mathrm{is}\:\left(\mathrm{or}\:\mathrm{can}\right. \\ $$$$\left.\mathrm{be}\right)\:\mathrm{a}\:\mathrm{harmonic}\:\mathrm{function}\:\left(\Delta\psi\:=\:\mathrm{0}\right) \\ $$$$\mathrm{Can}\:\mathrm{anyone}\:\mathrm{explain}\:? \\ $$

Question Number 204078    Answers: 0   Comments: 1

Question Number 203985    Answers: 0   Comments: 8

Question Number 202816    Answers: 5   Comments: 5

Question Number 202308    Answers: 0   Comments: 1

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