determinant ((a,b,c,v_o ),(0,0,0,1),(0,0,1,1),(0,1,0,1),(0,1,1,0),(1,0,0,0),(1,0,1,0),(1,1,0,0),(1,1,1,0))
what is the logic gate type of this truth
Le dernier jour d′un certain mois au
cours de la premiere guerre mondiale,
une bombe tombe sur la tombe d′un
Sachant que 1.872.269 est le produit
de :
A−du jour du mois ou est tombee la
bombe par
B−la taille de la hallebarde en pieds
(1 pied = 30 cm) par
C−l′age du hallebardier au moment
de sa mort par
D −la difference entre l′annee ou est
tombee la bombe et l′annee du deces
du hallebardier.
Pourriez−vous donner dans l′ordre :
1−la date exacte de la chute de la
2−la taille de la hallebarde en pieds.
3−l′annee de naissance, de deces et
l′age du hallebardier au moment de sa
mort ainsi que les eventuelles
circonstances de sa mort.
Consider the followinge
P: All students with measles
stay in the sick bay.
T: All students in the sick
bay do not do homework.
Which of the following
is/are valid deductions
from the two statements
a) Kofi does not have
measles so Kofi does his
b)George has done his
homework therefore he
does not stay in the sick bay
c) Jane does not have
measles so she does not
stay in the sick bay
hi, masters !
look at this thing carefully :
2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 .................
find the line and the column where the number 795471 will appear !
An online trading company wants to
offer discounts to customers. The
company has recently emailed the
discount codes to customers. New
customers must have the code to be
eligible but returning customers are
not eligible for the discount.
Let A − Returning Customer
B − Discount Code
(a) Draw a truth table to represent
vwhen a customer has a discout
(b) From your table in (a), produce a
Boolean expression to represent
discounted customer (Q) for the
trading company.