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Question Number 205528 by hardmath last updated on 23/Mar/24

Let   ∀x ∈ A → x ∈ R  And   card(A) > card N  Prove that:  card(A′) > card N

$$\mathrm{Let}\:\:\:\forall\mathrm{x}\:\in\:\mathrm{A}\:\rightarrow\:\mathrm{x}\:\in\:\mathbb{R} \\ $$$$\mathrm{And}\:\:\:\mathrm{card}\left(\mathrm{A}\right)\:>\:\mathrm{card}\:\mathrm{N} \\ $$$$\mathrm{Prove}\:\mathrm{that}: \\ $$$$\mathrm{card}\left(\mathrm{A}'\right)\:>\:\mathrm{card}\:\mathrm{N} \\ $$

Answered by Berbere last updated on 24/Mar/24

what is A′  ?

$${what}\:{is}\:{A}'\:\:? \\ $$

Commented by hardmath last updated on 24/Mar/24

  Dear profesdor,  card(A)- is a power of set A'- is a derivative of set A, the condition says that A is a non-countable set, it is necessary to prove that the derivative of A is also a non-countable set...

$$ \\ $$Dear profesdor, card(A)- is a power of set A'- is a derivative of set A, the condition says that A is a non-countable set, it is necessary to prove that the derivative of A is also a non-countable set...

Commented by Berbere last updated on 25/Mar/24

i see  in french we say  points Limite  i will give answer

$${i}\:{see}\:\:{in}\:{french}\:{we}\:{say}\:\:{points}\:{Limite} \\ $$$${i}\:{will}\:{give}\:{answer} \\ $$

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