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Question Number 155196 by TheHoneyCat last updated on 26/Sep/21

Hi I forgot my password,   is there a way I can get it ?

$${Hi}\:{I}\:{forgot}\:{my}\:{password},\: \\ $$$${is}\:{there}\:{a}\:{way}\:{I}\:{can}\:{get}\:{it}\:? \\ $$

Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 26/Sep/21

(I am switching phone)

$$\left({I}\:{am}\:{switching}\:{phone}\right) \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Sep/21

only if you have registered your  username by adding your email   address.

$${only}\:{if}\:{you}\:{have}\:{registered}\:{your} \\ $$$${username}\:{by}\:{adding}\:{your}\:{email}\: \\ $$$${address}. \\ $$

Answered by Tinku Tara last updated on 27/Sep/21

If you still have your old phone  you can chamge password

$$\mathrm{If}\:\mathrm{you}\:\mathrm{still}\:\mathrm{have}\:\mathrm{your}\:\mathrm{old}\:\mathrm{phone} \\ $$$$\mathrm{you}\:\mathrm{can}\:\mathrm{chamge}\:\mathrm{password} \\ $$

Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 29/Sep/21

Thank you very much, I did that, it was instantaneous and simple. thank you very much. ��

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