About the Euler-Mascheroni Constant:
γ = ∫_0 ^1 (1/(1 − x)) + (1/(ln x)) dx
We can see that
1− x ≠ 0 ⇔ 1 ≠ x ;
x = 0 → ln x ∄ .
If x ≠ 0 and x ≠ 1, in the Cartesian Plane,
this function has singularity x=0 and x=1.
So, I could write
f(x) = (1/(1 − x)) + (1/(ln x))
∫_0 ^1 f(x) dx = lim_(A→0^+ ) lim_(B→1^− ) ∫_A ^B f(x) dx ?
PS: Sorry by my worse English