A ball is bouncing elastically with a
speed 1 m/s between walls of a railway
compartment of size 10 m in a direction
perpendicular to walls. The train is
moving at a constant velocity of 10 m/s
parallel to the direction of motion of
the ball. As seen from the ground
(a) the direction of motion of the ball
changes every 10 seconds.
(b) speed of ball changes every 10
(c) average speed of ball over any 20
second interval is fixed.
(d) the acceleration of ball is the same
as from the train.
STATEMENT-1 : The locus of z, if
arg(((z − 1)/(z + 1))) = (π/2) is a circle.
STATEMENT-2 : ∣((z − 2)/(z + 2))∣ = (π/2), then
the locus of z is a circle.
Let A, B, C be three sets of complex
numbers as defined below
A = {z : Im z ≥ 1}
B = {z : ∣z − 2 − i∣ = 3}
C = {z : Re((1 − i)z) = (√2)}.
Let z be any point in A ∩ B ∩ C and let
w be any point satisfying ∣w − 2 − i∣ <
3. Then, ∣z∣ − ∣w∣ + 3 lies between
(1) −6 and 3
(2) −3 and 6
(3) −6 and 6
(4) −3 and 9
Suppose in the plane 10 pairwise
nonparallel lines intersect one another.
What is the maximum possible number
of polygons (with finite areas) that can
be formed?
The values of ′k′ for which the equation
∣x∣^2 (∣x∣^2 − 2k + 1) = 1 − k^2 , has
repeated roots, when k belongs to
(1) {1, −1}
(2) {0, 1}
(3) {0, −1}
(4) {2, 3}
Let us consider an equation f(x) = x^3
− 3x + k = 0. Then the values of k for
which the equation has
1. Exactly one root which is positive,
then k belongs to
2. Exactly one root which is negative,
then k belongs to
3. One negative and two positive root
if k belongs to