I think it will be
∫_0 ^(π/4) (dx/(√(1+tanx))) ≈∫_0 ^(π/4) (dx/(√(1+x)))
=(𝛑/4)−(1/2).(1/2).((𝛑/4))^2 +((1.3)/(2.4)).(1/3).((𝛑/4))^3 −((1.3.5)/(2.4.6)).(1/4)((𝛑/4))^4 +....
Dear mr w. i want
discuss for equation
find minimum and maximum value
of xy +2 with constraint
x^2 +y^(2 ) = 6.
my way (short cut)
⇒ x^2 = y^2 = 3
{ ((max = ((√3))^2 +2 = 5)),((min = −((√3))^2 +1 = −1)) :}
it correct?
Let f a continue function acknowleding
α as a fix point on [0,1].F a function such as (dF/dx)=f(x)
∀ n , u_(n+1) =((F(u_n )−F(α))/(u_n −α))
Prove that lim_(n→∞) u_n =α