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Question Number 77046 by ajfour last updated on 02/Jan/20

x=R^2 (√(1−(t^2 /R^2 )))

$${x}={R}^{\mathrm{2}} \sqrt{\mathrm{1}−\frac{{t}^{\mathrm{2}} }{{R}^{\mathrm{2}} }}\: \\ $$

Answered by ajfour last updated on 02/Jan/20

Commented by necxxx last updated on 03/Jan/20

Whenever I see some of these hand drawn  diagrams I remember some questions  in pbysics mr Ajfour solved for me as  far back as 2016. God bless you sir. I  really appreciate.

$${Whenever}\:{I}\:{see}\:{some}\:{of}\:{these}\:{hand}\:{drawn} \\ $$$${diagrams}\:{I}\:{remember}\:{some}\:{questions} \\ $$$${in}\:{pbysics}\:{mr}\:{Ajfour}\:{solved}\:{for}\:{me}\:{as} \\ $$$${far}\:{back}\:{as}\:\mathrm{2016}.\:{God}\:{bless}\:{you}\:{sir}.\:{I} \\ $$$${really}\:{appreciate}. \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/20

a real great master in making  things clear through perfect  diagrams!

$${a}\:{real}\:{great}\:{master}\:{in}\:{making} \\ $$$${things}\:{clear}\:{through}\:{perfect} \\ $$$${diagrams}! \\ $$

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