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Question Number 189144 by talminator2856792 last updated on 12/Mar/23

         ∫_0 ^( 1) ∫_0 ^( 1) ∫_0 ^( 1)  ((√(x + y + z))/( (√x) + (√y) + (√z) )) dxdydz

$$\: \\ $$$$\: \\ $$$$\:\:\:\int_{\mathrm{0}} ^{\:\mathrm{1}} \int_{\mathrm{0}} ^{\:\mathrm{1}} \int_{\mathrm{0}} ^{\:\mathrm{1}} \:\frac{\sqrt{{x}\:+\:{y}\:+\:{z}}}{\:\sqrt{{x}}\:+\:\sqrt{{y}}\:+\:\sqrt{{z}}\:}\:{dxdydz} \\ $$$$\: \\ $$$$\: \\ $$

Commented by MJS_new last updated on 13/Mar/23

first try this:  ∫_0 ^1 ((√(x+a))/( (√x)+b))dx  good luck!

$$\mathrm{first}\:\mathrm{try}\:\mathrm{this}: \\ $$$$\underset{\mathrm{0}} {\overset{\mathrm{1}} {\int}}\frac{\sqrt{{x}+{a}}}{\:\sqrt{{x}}+{b}}{dx} \\ $$$$\mathrm{good}\:\mathrm{luck}! \\ $$

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