Question Number 134168 by liberty last updated on 28/Feb/21 | ||
$$ \\ $$ Suppose there are 50 full-time teachers and each teacher requires 5 classes to make their load every academic semester. There are 5000 students and 2000 classes per semester. What is the probability that the teachers will meet their load requirement?\\n | ||
Commented bymr W last updated on 01/Mar/21 | ||
$$\mathrm{5000}\:{students}\:{in}\:\mathrm{2000}\:{classes}? \\ $$ $$\mathrm{50}\:{teachers}\:{should}\:{teach}\:\mathrm{2000}\:{classes}? \\ $$ | ||
Commented byliberty last updated on 01/Mar/21 | ||
$$\mathrm{yes}\:\mathrm{sir} \\ $$ | ||