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Question Number 134168 by liberty last updated on 28/Feb/21

$$ \\ $$ Suppose there are 50 full-time teachers and each teacher requires 5 classes to make their load every academic semester. There are 5000 students and 2000 classes per semester. What is the probability that the teachers will meet their load requirement?\\n

Commented bymr W last updated on 01/Mar/21

5000 students in 2000 classes?  50 teachers should teach 2000 classes?

$$\mathrm{5000}\:{students}\:{in}\:\mathrm{2000}\:{classes}? \\ $$ $$\mathrm{50}\:{teachers}\:{should}\:{teach}\:\mathrm{2000}\:{classes}? \\ $$

Commented byliberty last updated on 01/Mar/21

yes sir

$$\mathrm{yes}\:\mathrm{sir} \\ $$

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