Help me.....!!! :(
complex anaylsis problem..
f(z) is entire in path C
entire: Differantiable complex function
mean f(z) satisfy f(z)=u(x,y)+i∙v(x,y)
(∂u/∂x)=−(∂v/∂y) or (∂u/∂y)=−(∂v/∂x) (couchy-riemann)
show that ∫_( C) ((f(z))/(f′(z))) dz=2πiΣ_(h=1) ^M P_h −Q_h
P_h is number of Zeros in path C
Q_h is number of poles in path C
and if pole is not exist
show that (1/(2πi)) ∫_( C) ((f(z))/(f′(z))) dz
this equation is equivalent to the
formula for finding the number of zeros